In the past few weeks I have tried to draw more with the pencil. Some of the sketches I’ve scanned in and gave some color by putting the sketch on a multiply layer and quickly putting some color on a layer underneath it. This one of the results. I plan to do a full blown illustration with this technique once I have some spare time.
click here for a bigger resolution)

Update: This image got featured by
CGhub and tweeted by
CFSL Yay!!!
Dam! How am I suppose to catch up if you keep getting so f*** better!
oh that one is great!
the arms remind me of miyazaki's demonworms in mononoke.
great work here! folow*
very lovely detailing, especially the squirmy beard. glad i found your blog.
Are you kidding me fool, you are way better then I am ;)
Thanks for following me bro
Glad you did ^^
My eyes! why Brun, why!^^
So awesome i think steal the original
Hey man, just dropping by to let you know I updated my blog as per your request ;D
I'm liking the direction you are taking with the latest pencil/multiply pieces, I would love to see more of that! What size is that scottish dude drawing?
Following that stuff yo.
Sup mate, haha I'll draw you something when we meet at the CFSL workshop!
Finally!!! I've been waiting for updates from you for ages. The Scottish dude is A4.
These originals will be included in the first 50 hand made prints of the book.
i think the strongest features is the great work done on the heads and hands, the most important parts! I love the hat too.
However, don't undermine all that beautiful work by going soft on some of the important drawing fundamentals, like giving the socks and boots more solidity, like making them wrap around the form, and also think about the form of the foot, ie. like the arch of the foot. I know its picky, but its only because youre doing awesome stuff, i know its not a realist work, but its only small changes (no crazy rendering needed)
Hey Rod, thanks! Those comments are always welcome and are what I need to stay focussed! I'll try to pay more attention to it next time.
toffe stijl. gaat je goed af :)
Most excellent!
: )
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