A while ago I posted about "The Journal Of Samuel Blackburn". Lots of illustrations were made for the project, however Julie and I decided to redo most of these illustrations and designs. The reason for this is that the project started out as a school project but has grown way beyond that. Most of the illustrations at the time were rushed and not as good as we hoped to be, except for a chosen few. Today, while looking through some of those illustrations, I found a few that I feel good about and even though they won't be used anymore I would still like to post some of them here because I had so much fun making them.
So here is a wip for a creature design, I'll post some of the others in a few days.

buig! fantastische kleuren! meer van dit!
Als je zin hebt in een tekeningetje te maken voor onze nieuwe header: http://antwerpenstreetstyle.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/verjaardagswedstrijd-apen-streetstyle/ . We weten alleszins al dat je stijl hebt!
Emilie wil meer!
@Princes Smeerkaas: Ik ben geflatteerd, ik vrees echter dat ik het veel te druk heb.
@Ems: Ik beloof je deze week een update, bedankt voor je comments Emilie, je eigen werk wordt steeds beter en beter!
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