Here are some of the illustrations I’m working on (u will notice they still need a lot of final touches, but I’m working on it)
I hope u guys like them, and keep on posting your kick ass work, it inspires me every single day !!!
The are all WORK IN PROGRESS, not the final illustrations...
(I hope they don’t show up too dark o_O)
(click on the image for a higher resolution)


sry for the big post :)
Damn, these are all crazy good!
You're really developing a nice style here, keep on pushing it.
Pieter, thanks for your comment
Ofcourse I'm gonna keep on pushing it.
Right now I'm working on several new exiting assignments, a few of them involve some colaborations with other Illustrators from around town.
So expect something different next time around :)
Out of all of the characters the Cheshire cat is my favourite, just love all of the attitude he's sporting. Alice looks snotty and wants to look older then she is, which sorta fits with stories, which is about the misunderstanding that comes with growing up. The rabbit is bad-ass and very well rendered, I wish you'd given the hare and the mad hatter a bit more character, something is lacking for me in that scene.
Great job on the elephants as well, I love the little details you put in every single illustration.
All in all great work…
Wow, Hanne told me you're good but this really IS great work :-)
Ik ben benieuwd hoe gij juist tewerk gaat, tenzij dat dat geheim is natuurlijk :)
Hee Brun, prachtig werk maak je. Lekker stevig en sfeervol.
@Julie: I'm glad u like it and your support means a lot to me.
Btw u are totally right about the Hare and the Mad hatter characters, that illustration is far from finished.
@Bruno: I’m glad u like it ☺, Me and some friends have “something” in the works that will be released “soonish” and will explain a lot of the progress, However can’t say more about it, its kind of secret ! ;)
@C.: Thx for dropping by, I love your stuff too !!!
that elephant trunk piece is really mysterious
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