
Business Card

I made this illustration for my business card a while ago but I don’t think I ever got around to posting it. I might turn this into a full illustration when I find the time...



Kali Ciesemier said...

This is lovely, Brun. Nice atmosphere!

Cuyler Smith said...

Great piece Brun!

Mike Puncekar said...

Hopefully someday i run into you so I can get one of these business cards. Love this.

Ems said...

good colors! like it

George Bletsis said...

I wouldn't put this in a rolodex (though that is a pretty 80's thing to do) I'd put it it in a frame! Thats really cool, hope you get round to handing some of these out.

Unknown said...

@Kali: Thanks Kali, your opinion means a lot to me!

@Cuyler: Glad you like it!

@Mike: Love the stuff on your blog mate! I'll be glad to give you one should we ever run into one another.

@Ems: Thanks Ems! Your stuff keeps getting better and better!

@Monstertree: Thank you man!

Ems said...

thx brun. your stuff keeps getting better too!

identification scanner said...

Brun Great Work! I really like your design. I am impressed the way you expressed your thoughts in your design. This is a business card which anyone wants to have. When I visit your place I surely want to have one for myself. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Using abstract art for designing
plastic business cards is appreciative approach....