I'm in my 3rd Bachelor year at school. As some sort of mini thesis (Bachelor Project) we have to make our own assignment in preparation of the bigger thesis should we choose to do a Master (4th) year. This mini thesis will also determine if I'm fit or not fit to do a Master year. So for this bachelor Project I want to work on a story that is loosely based on English and Scandinavian (mainly the latter) folklore, myths and legends. The story itself is being written by the talented
Julie Smits while I handle the illustrations, layout, typography, etc.. But I have no doubt that she will have some great ideas for those parts too. I will try to keep my blog up to date with how this project evolves and from time to time.
I'll give some more info on the story itself. More info and pics will follow when time permits it! Here is a sketch for the project, determined to change quite a bit.
(click for a bigger resolution)

Now I have something to look forward for the next 8 weeks.
I'm sure is going to be amazing, because this WIP already is.
Lovely colors & mood!! Looks like it'll be an awesome project. (and I do love me some Scandinavian myths!)
@ Manuel:
Thanks mate ;)
Then I'm sure I have some good things in store for you ;)
love it!
i want more!
Awesome Colors and Background!
I'm sure that your project will rock. Your blog is incredible.
Keep up the good work!
cool stuff, excited to see what you come up with!
You will soon ! Thanks for dropping by mate
I hope it does, thanks for the kind words
Nice of you to drop by mate, I'm also very exited about this ;)
I have seen it on CFSL.net, nice one! Love the "trame" (I don't know the english word).
This looks great. Looking forward to see how it turns out!
:) glad you like it
Me too, me too ;)
i really like your style
Really nice mood. <3
Nice!.. and fun to see some brightness in your illustrations too..
That means a lot coming from you mate!
Nice of you to drop by tif, your last updates are wicked
Glad u like it, lets grab a drink sometime soon!
Good luck on the project, though I don't think you'll need it, looking great so far! C.
Looks really interesting. Like the colour and atmosphere in this painting... give us more!
These paintings are beautiful. Glad I found your blog
Hey Brun!!! thx for the comment, not sure if im at the level to make a tutorial yet. your work is killer man!!! hope all is well my friend.
nice painting man!
keep it up
Thanks for visiting mate. Love your work
More will come, I got a lot more actually but I'm just not good at keeping things up to date ;)
I'm glad u did!
No problem dude, you are more then skilled enough to make a tutorial mate, your work is ace
Thanks mate.
great work Brun! and many many thanks for your comments. i've been working on some animation short directed by c. nine- that's why i haven't update my blog in some time..
we stay in touch
love your cock :) no these is a nice piece of work here. keep it up brother
greets joris
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